Spiritual Director
Christian coach helps people get from where they are to where God wants them to be.


 Coaches help people grow through life transitions. Whenever we encounter major changes in our lives-- like a new job, promotion, a move, the death of a loved one, or retirement--we face uncertainty and the need to readjust. Experienced coaches can help people reassess their life goals, find new career options, change lifestyles, get training, re-evaluate their finances, or find the information that lets them make wise decisions.

Coaches guide Christians in their spiritual journeys. Many believers understand the basics of the faith and aren't looking to be discipled. But they need focused time with somebody who has been on the spiritual road longer, who models Christlikeness, can point out the barriers to growth and can guide the journey.

Coaches speak the truth in love. . . refusing to ignore harmful behavior patterns. Instead, coaches nudge people to deal with attitudes and behaviors that should be faced and changed.

 Coaches may guide people, organizations or churches to formulate life-vision or life-mission statements. Coaches might ask an individual, for example: "Considering your gifts, abilities, driving passions, and unique God-given personality, what is your life mission?"

Once we have a vision we need a strategy for getting there. That includes setting goals and making decisions about education, changing attitudes, managing life differently, or building new relationships.

During this process there will be obstacles to face, including discouragement, temporary failure, or even self-defeating activities that prevent the person from moving forward. Coaches help people get past these hurdles.
Christian coaches . . . seek to know Christ and be more sensitive to the leading of his Holy Spirit. It means that coaches seek to be clear on their values, politely declining to coach anybody whose goals are inconsistent with Christian principles. Having Jesus Christ at the center means, as well, that we commit to praying for the people we coach, asking God to change their lives, working with them through our gifts and training.

Jesus came to point people to the Father, to show how we could have life everlasting and lives that are more abundant (John 10:10). The Christian coach helps people imagine ways in which their lives can be better and walks with them as they make changes that will improve their careers, their families, their walks with God, and their world. And for the Christian the goal is always the same, to get people from where they are to where God wants them to be.

Dr. Gary Collins in Christian Coaching: A New Frontier for Caring, NavPress, Colorado Springs, gives the following introduction of coaching:

In the 1500's the word coach described a horse-drawn vehicle that would get people from where they were to where they wanted to be. Today, we think of coaches as people who help teams and athletes move from where they are to something better. . . improve their skills, overcome obstacles, and get to where they want . . .and become more competent, fulfilled and self-confident . . . People are turning to nutritional coaches, fitness coaches, financial coaches, spiritual coaches and what have become known as life coaches . . . who help others find focus and direction for their lives and careers.

Coaching helps people expand their visions, build their confidence, unlock their potential, increase their skills, and take practical steps toward their goals.

Unlike counseling or therapy, coaching is less threatening, less concerned about problem solving, and more inclined to help people reach their potentials. Coaching is not reactive looking back, it's pro-active looking ahead. It is not about healing; it's about growing. It focuses less on overcoming weaknesses and more on building skills and strengths. Usually coaching is less formal than the therapist-patient relationship and more of a partnership between two equals, one of whom asks good questions and may have perspectives and observations that can be useful to the other.

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